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Organized as a hybrid event from January 17th to 19th, 2024, within Athens Digital Health Week, the 1st Gravitate-Health Hackathon concluded successfully with the participation of 150 individuals, both in Athens and remotely. It was a collaborative effort, and some noteworthy solutions emerged.

The challenges of the 1st Gravitate-Health Hackathon were related to the identification of “rules to personalize patient information” and “designing aligned medicine information visualizations for patients.”

Within the framework of the Gravitate-Health project, one of the most prominent objectives is to provide patients with the information they need about their medications. This includes an initiative to equip and empower citizens with digital information tools, fostering confidence, active participation, and responsiveness throughout their patient journey. This is pursued through the development of a federated open-source platform of services (FOSPS), with the ePI (electronic product information), interoperability, and the HL7 FHIR® standard at the center. This information also needs to be adapted to the context and preferences of the end-user to achieve effective and optimal understanding.

How can we make information about medicines, typically presented in paper format, more relevant to you?  Is everything included in a patient information leaflet relevant to you? What happens when you take more than one medicine simultaneously? We are now in the ePI (electronic product information) era, where the paper leaflet is finally getting a digital form opening new possibilities.

Gravitate-Health Hackathon relates to this discourse. How can you personalize information about medicine and make it relevant to you!

The Hackathon provided an opportunity to showcase the federated open-source platform and services, FOSPS, still in development, and invited participants to test its usability, build on it, and contribute to its improvement. We successfully achieved that goal!

During the week of the Gravitate-Health Hackathon, our speakers skillfully navigated participants through challenges that fueled creativity. Challenge 1 saw the birth of modules, adding dynamic explanations to ePI content in FHIR format. Then, the pulse-quickening Challenge 2 gave rise to the ‘G-lens,’ a personalized touch to medication information. The Hackathon not only uncovered ingenious solutions but also unveiled the promise of a dynamic community shaping the future of healthcare information.

Following the presentations from teams onsite and virtually, the 1st prize was awarded to the joint team of Gnomon and the University of Thessaly. They successfully utilized the G-lens®, the Gravitate-Health focusing mechanism, to enhance a commercial product, eHealth Pass. The 2nd Prize was awarded to the team from CERTH/ITI, a research institute in Greece, and the 3rd Prize was given to the Code-Creators team from Brazil.

Follow the link to watch the videos of the teams’ presentations to the jury and read more about the event and Gravitate-Health:

About the project:

Gravitate-Health is a collaborative effort involving 41 public and private organizations across Europe. If successful, it will change the landscape and make history in healthcare!