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Thursday 11:00 - 12:30
Attica Hall

EUROVULCAN 2 | Panel #1: Vulcan ePI/eLabeling Project and EMA/SPOR: The way forward

Chair: Anne Moen, Professor in Health informatics and Nursing, University of Oslo | Project Coordinator, Gravitate-Health

Panelists & topics:

    • ePI Pilot Project – progress & next steps: Elizabeth Scanlan, Scientific Communication Officer, European Medicines Agency
    • Gravitate-Health “4+1 Compedia ePI Pilot”: Bente By Jansen, Managing Director, Felleskatalogen, Norway
    • ePI and the QRD – “structure at source”: Kate Porch, Associate Director, Global Labeling Product Leader, Janssen
    • PhPID operating model, GIDWG: Magnus Wallberg, PV Systems Architect, WHO-UMC, Sweden
    • UNICOM achievements and next steps from an NCA perspective: Farah Diehl-Fahim, Senior Research Consultant, Empirica, Christer Backman, International and EU Coordinator, Swedish Medical Products Agency, and Pelle Persson, IT Director/ Head of IT, Swedish Medical Products Agency
    • Health Data and the Link to ePI: George Georgianakis, Deputy Head of Unit SANTE A4 “Information systems”, Directorate General for Health and Food safety, European Commission
    • SPOR the way forward: Isabel Chicharo (online), SPOR Lead, European Medicines Agency
    • Scaling IDMP for Global use cases: Panagiotis Telonis, Scientific Administrator, Chief Information Office, European Medicines Agency