Property 1=White
Tuesday 17:30 - 19:00
Templars Hall

Hospitals on FHIR: Meetup and Reception

The Hospitals on FHIR initiative is a community of practice that aims to raise awareness of HL7 FHIR among hospital leaders and help them share experience and best practices in their adoption journey. Henrique Martins and Giorgio Cangioli jointly launched the initiative in 2021, and since then the initiative has grown today has its own governance, co-chaired by Stefano Dalmani (IT) and Maria Salazar (PT).

As a community of practice, it builds on the work of Mina Boubaki (MoH) and Catherine Chronaki (HL7 Europe) in the xeHealth project, where characteristics of Communities of Practice are conceptualized to advance the adoption of the European EHR Exchange Format, a key component of the European Health Data Space. 

The Athens Digital Health Week is a unique opportunity to connect with stakeholders in Greece, exchange views and best practices and initiate collaborations that may lead to new projects. In this meetup, Hospitals on FHIR leadership, HL7 Hellas, KETEKNY, IDIKA, the Ministry of Health, and the Hellenic Digital Health Cluster supporter of Smart Health, are invited to exchange views and discuss potential synergies and collaborations.